NYE From Home But Make It Fashion
So much for freezing your buns off in Time Square with a kajillion people kissing strangers and drinking champs on the streets of NY. Instead we’re all counting down to 2021 in the comfies of our living rooms with the people closest to us – and to be honest I’m good with it. But that […]
Hayes turns ONE!
Hey there sweet baby Hayes!
I’m almost a week late on the post, but I wanted to share with you guys a little recap of our first week with our little baby love! Introducinggggggg (drum roll)…. sweet baby Hayes! We are beyond in love with this little bundle of chubby baby and have been in absolute heaven! He came into […]
We’re packin’ our bags!
So now I’m starting to get the “have you packed your hospital bag yet?” question. To be honest I hadn’t even thought about it until about the 3rd time someone asked me! I figured, I better just pack it just in case! So I spent some time doing a little research- what to pack, what […]
A not so ✧ Basic Invite ✧ into my gorgeous baby shower!
There’s no doubt I need to start this post off with a huge THANK YOU! First and foremost, thank you to my two sister-in-laws and my mom for throwing me the baby shower of my dreams. It was absolutely gorgeous and everything I would have imagined for myself! Thank you to my friends and family […]
✧Victoria Emerson Favorites + Exclusive Discount Code✧
So by now you’ve probably seen on my IG feed that I’ve fallen for the ever so fabulous jewelry line Victoria Emerson! I found so many cute pieces perfect for my style and probably my new favorite spot to grab gifts for my friends! If you’ve been following me for a while, you definitely know […]
Our Maternity Photos ♡
Does anyone else feel like I’ve been pregnant for forever? It’s cool, me too. Counting down 7 weeks!!! I have to say, though, as much as I’m ready for baby, I’m cherishing every last little moment that Jeff and I have just the two of us. We’ve been together for a long time, almost a […]
A little space just for him ♡
Ok guys, I’m so so so excited to share the heart and soul I put into my baby boy’s room so far! All that’s left is a handful of items from the registry and then finally, last but not least, our little coconut boy! It’s funny, ya know, trying to decide how to create a […]
≑ Malibu Getaway ≑
For a the last few months Jeff and I have been thinking about getting away for a weekend before we enter crazytown (lots of traveling for bachelor/bachelorette parties, showers, weddings, & major pregnancy). We didn’t want to take any time off of work and honestly the thought of a long car ride or flight just […]