NYE From Home But Make It Fashion
So much for freezing your buns off in Time Square with a kajillion people kissing strangers and drinking champs on the streets of NY. Instead we’re all counting down to 2021 in the comfies of our living rooms with the people closest to us – and to be honest I’m good with it. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be fabulous guys! Here’s my top 10 for Evie’s New Year’s Sparkling Eve!!!

Hayes turns ONE!

Hey there sweet baby Hayes!
I’m almost a week late on the post, but I wanted to share with you guys a little recap of our first week with our little baby love!
Introducinggggggg (drum roll)…. sweet baby Hayes! We are beyond in love with this little bundle of chubby baby and have been in absolute heaven! He came into our crazy world bright and early Sunday morning at 2:27am at a nice and heavy 8lbs, 15oz, 21in long! He’s a BIG BOY and we just can’t get enough of his chubby little face!
I’ll give you a quick recap of his birth story: To be honest there’s not much to tell! Other than, it was the longest 22 hours of labor and it was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my entire life. I have no idea how people have babies without drugs, seriously guys. I had no idea I could feel like much pain and survive, holy shit. But luckily halfway through I got the good stuff and most of the second half of labor wasn’t too bad. Let’s just say I’m a big fan of epidurals. BIG FAN. Delivery was actually quicker than I thought it would be and we were out of the hospital by the next night!
Remember that whole list of things I packed for the hospital? Didn’t use any of it. Well, I used the fuzzy socks and by Monday morning I tried to freshen up a little bit but they wouldn’t even let me take a shower because I still had my IV in. But that was just me, I was literally writhing in pain to the point where I didn’t care about anything I brought and by the time I did I wasn’t really in any shape to use anything. I’ve heard some people have a totally different experience where they just chill for hours and are able to shower as soon as they were able to stand up, so if you’re heading to the hospital soon, I suggest taking a look at my last post for ideas of what you might want to pack!
But I’ll give you this!!! My Week 1 Survival Guide with my Top 5 items you’ll definitely want!
First and foremost ladies, the mesh panties and giant pads from the hospital are great. But when you get home and you run out of the ones you swooped when the nurse wasn’t looking, you’ll definitely want these postpartum undies
If you want another option, or need something that works better with non-sweatpants, you’ll need to pick up some pads but these mesh panties are pretty comfy and a good alternative to the ones you get at the hospital!
A couple other things you’ll definitely want to grab before baby comes is a peri bottle and some perineal spray! These are a MUST.
And finally, if you’re breastfeeding, I’ve got 2 words for you: nipple butter
So I have to say, when we first got home we definitely felt that “what the hell do we do now” feeling. But each day has gotten easier and easier. Each minute we spend with our little babe we get to know him better and better. We’ve had one official onsie-ruining blowout, a couple failed attempts at a walk, but mostly we’re just getting the hang of our new schedule and I have to say I’m pretty proud of how well we’re adjusting as a new little family! Oh and PS, Max loves Hayes. That was definitely a big thing for us! But stay posted for more updates and news on how our little family is doing! Until my next post, I’ll just be over here feeding, changing, and cuddling our chubby little man! xoxo, e
We’re packin’ our bags!
So now I’m starting to get the “have you packed your hospital bag yet?” question. To be honest I hadn’t even thought about it until about the 3rd time someone asked me! I figured, I better just pack it just in case! So I spent some time doing a little research- what to pack, what not to pack- and I think I came up with a pretty decent pack! I’ll definitely try to remember to do a follow up post to tell you guys how much of what I packed was totally helpful and what I didn’t even touch! But for all you mama’s out there thinking about getting your bags ready, here’s what I came up with!
So of course I gotta travel in style (duh!) so I’ve got my things all bundled up in this super cute Duffle Bag decorated with this super cute Luggage Tag (just in case someone else rolls through with a totally cute bag and I need to claim my own- but mostly just for decoration)!
The biggest thing I really focused on packing was my toiletries. I really wanted to make sure I had everything I needed for before, during, and after delivery! Some of these things are just my favorite products and tools, so whether I use them or not, I’m going to be glad I have them just in case! Oh and remember that cute Duffle Bag ? Here’s the matching Toiletry Bag ! I’ve got it stocked with these super soft Scrunchies, Travel Toothbrush Kit, Toiletry Bottles filled with my favorite bath products, Face Cloths for easy face washing, Dry Shampoo (because it’s every girls’ necessity!), and if by some miracle I get a chance to wash my hair… I packed my favorite tool in my bathroom, my Hair Dryer, Curling Iron, and Hair Brush!
As far and comfy clothes, I went back and forth on what to pack! There’s all these cute “hospital gown” things you can get on Etsy, but I also ready that the hospital hospital gowns are just fine! So I’m packing an easy for nursing Jammie Dress to be cozy in the hospital bed, the absolute SOFTEST Robe for walking around, Socks, Slippers, and a really good Nursing Bra that was suggested to me! For the trip home I packed my uniform I’ve basically been living in for the past 9 months: Comfy Tees, Joggers, and a super Cozy Cardigan.
I got a few other suggestions on little things to bring just for my own sanity:
6ft iPhone Charger: To make sure my phone is always charged and within reach depending on where the plugs are in the hospital room! I love this one because its cute and gold 🙂
Gold Earbud Headphones: I got some good advice to bring headphones. Apparently it’s super helpful to just pop in some earbuds, zone out, and relax to either my favorite music or meditations! I love this idea, and I also LOVE these headphones!
Yoga Tune Up Balls: I have been using and abusing these bad boys SO MUCH for the last month! They are definitely going to be my go-to when I need some massage therapy during labor!
And last but not least… GAMES!!! I’m kinda praying for a super short labor, but just in case, I’m packing some games to help us get through some long hours and keep me distracted! I thought a couple fun ones would be This Card Game or This Card Game!
A not so ✧ Basic Invite ✧ into my gorgeous baby shower!
There’s no doubt I need to start this post off with a huge THANK YOU! First and foremost, thank you to my two sister-in-laws and my mom for throwing me the baby shower of my dreams. It was absolutely gorgeous and everything I would have imagined for myself! Thank you to my friends and family for helping celebrating and making me feel so incredibly special, loved, and supported! But also, I want to give a little thank you to Basic Invites for helping me thank all of these people!!!
**Keep scrolling for pics and deets from the shower!**
But first let me tell you all about this super cute stationary I get to send all my little thank you love notes on! So the company is called Basic Invite! They are one of the few websites that allows customers almost unlimited color options with instant previews online. Basically (pun intended) you can pick any design and can change the color of each element on the card to over 180 different color options AND over 40 different colors of envelopes so you can make sure the card is exactly how you want it down to the littlest detail (score)! I don’t know about you but I don’t love when I find a design I love but not a fan of the color options. So THANK YOU Basic Invite for pretty much reading my mind!
It’s also one of thefew websites that allows customers the ability to order a printed sample of their actual invitation so they can see exactly how it will print as well as the paper quality before they ever have to place their final order. Not to mention they also offer an address capturing service and recipient address printing at no cost on all Christmas card orders. Ok and speaking of Christmas cards, I LOVE using foil cards for the holidays and Basic Invite cards are available in gold, silver and (of course my favorite) rose gold.
So basically (pun intended again) Basic Invite is the PERFECT online shop spot for your baby shower thank you cards, birth announcements, business cards, or even the upcoming Christmas cards online!!!! And right now Basic Invite is offering 15% off with code: 15FF51 so don’t procrastinate and get those holiday cards ordered now, amiright???!!!
For updates and even super cute ideas, follow Basic Invite on social media today! Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter
So now lets talk shower shall we?!
My sister-in-laws, Jordan & Ani, along with my mom, threw me THE BEST baby shower of life! It was so good that luckily I was able to snap some pics early before everyone arrived and didn’t see my phone again until the end of the night to get a couple of pics with people before they took off. I was have THAT MUCH FUN! Going into the shower I mentioned to Jord that I didn’t want anything too stuffy, girly, predictable, or complicated. We have pretty similar taste so I knew she had decor under control and I just wanted something where everyone could relax and just have fun! They girls worked their butts off and no detail was left undone! They tailored everything so well to me to the point where they even surprised me with a Shave Ice truck! If you know me you know I have a major obsession with shave ice! We also had a taco cart (because I absolutely love Mexican food, especially during pregnancy), string lights for a little bit of magic, and the most adorable and incredible decor, totally my style! Oh also I should give a shout out to my dad (and Jeff) for helping with the set up/take down! Thanks for the muscle guys!
Safe to say this is definitely the shower of life and I would not be surprised if I start seeing similar pics in the future as people are FOR SURE going to want a party like this for themselves!!!! I’m just going to go ahead and say, “it was mine first” while I can 😉 hehe! Thank you thank you thank you Jordan, Ani, mom, dad, (Jeff for helping), and all of my family and friends for EVERYTHING! Love you all so very much! ♡
✧Victoria Emerson Favorites + Exclusive Discount Code✧
So by now you’ve probably seen on my IG feed that I’ve fallen for the ever so fabulous jewelry line Victoria Emerson! I found so many cute pieces perfect for my style and probably my new favorite spot to grab gifts for my friends! If you’ve been following me for a while, you definitely know that I pretty much wear the same pieces every day- My gold cross, my wedding rings (although with my semi-swollen fingers we’ve narrowed it down to my engagement ring only) and here and there I’ll throw in a new accessory. I’m so excited for these new little gems I snagged from VE that I even linked them here so y’all can get them for yourself or pick out some of your own favorites with a discount code that will get you 30% off! Scroll down for my top picks and the code! Oh and just to give you a little bonus, I linked my outfit too 😉
White + Ivory Wrap Bracelet , Silver + Ivory Wrap Bracelet
Gold Bar Necklace, Boho Cuff Bracelet, White + Ivory Wrap Bracelet , Silver + Ivory Wrap Bracelet
Silver + Ivory Wrap Bracelet, Jumpsuit
Gold Bar Necklace, Boho Cuff Bracelet, Denim Jacket
For 30% off your purchase, use Discount Code: WILDLYEVIE30 !!!!! I don’t know about you but the fall season is the start of birthday season AND the holidays so it’s the perfect time to start getting gifts for all my girls! It’s never too early to Christmas shop amiright?!
Disclaimer: The discount code can only be used once per customer so stock up while you can ladies!!
Happy shopping!!!
Our Maternity Photos ♡
Does anyone else feel like I’ve been pregnant for forever? It’s cool, me too. Counting down 7 weeks!!!
I have to say, though, as much as I’m ready for baby, I’m cherishing every last little moment that Jeff and I have just the two of us. We’ve been together for a long time, almost a DECADE! We’ve experienced so much together, basically grew up (as adults-ish) together, and even still I feel a little rush of emotion to bring a new addition into our lives! As we cuddle on the couch watching our shows I’ll joke “lets just remember how much we like each other and that we’re a team” anticipating the inevitable sharp right into crazy town.
So I have this whole new perspective on maternity photo shoots. Of course it’s a perfect opportunity to capture such a special memory and time in our lives getting ready for our very first little baby. The look of pure bliss (and ignorance) in our eyes. But mostly, when we’re sleep deprived and up to our knees in diapers and bottles, I want to be able to look back at these photos with tired black and blue eyes and remember how happy we are, how TOGETHER we are in this, and how much we really do love each other!!! {{We got this babe!}}
Riley Starr did such an amazing job capturing our little moment and I can’t thank her enough for making a couple of nervous and awkward kids who have no idea what they’re about to be in for look so calm, cool, collected and more than anything, capturing our mad love for each other! #teamtaylor
A little space just for him ♡
Ok guys, I’m so so so excited to share the heart and soul I put into my baby boy’s room so far! All that’s left is a handful of items from the registry and then finally, last but not least, our little coconut boy! It’s funny, ya know, trying to decide how to create a little space for a tiny human being. I’ve gotten the “what’s the theme?!” questions a couple times too. It’s pretty simple, I stuck with simple furniture I knew I liked and could live with for anymore babies to come, and then just picked out little decor pieces I liked and just kinda hoped everything would go together! But more importantly, I wanted to give my babe a place where he felt safe, calm, happy, and himself! Safe to say, I’m more than happy with my little project! Sometimes I just sit and rock in my chair and take in his itty bitty piece of heaven and think “damn I wish I slept in this room” haha! I’m sure Jeff thinks I’m nuts when I do this! A couple of my friends joked I should decorate rooms for a living. Hard pass! But it’s kinda crazy how perfect (at least thats how I feel) something can turn out when it’s made out of pure love! And that’s where you come in baby boy! We’re waitin’ and oh so ready for ya! Two more months. Two more months buddy boy and I can’t wait to rock you, feed you, dress you up, and play with you in your very own room!
≑ Malibu Getaway ≑
For a the last few months Jeff and I have been thinking about getting away for a weekend before we enter crazytown (lots of traveling for bachelor/bachelorette parties, showers, weddings, & major pregnancy). We didn’t want to take any time off of work and honestly the thought of a long car ride or flight just sounds pretty terrible to me right now. So we thought about it for a while and we were SOOOO happy with the little weekend we came up with!
We came across this little gem, Calamigos Guest Ranch & Beach Club, and thought it was pretty cute. So off to Malibu we went! Can I just say, We haven’t even been home 24 hours (as I’m writing this) and we’re already ready to go back?! It was absolutely perfect!
The ranch was gorgeous! I kept telling Jeff I want my home to look exactly like this place. I could try to explain the details but it’s probably better if you just check out some of the pics here. Even still, it doesn’t do it any justice. Adorable chandeliers hanging from the trees throughout the grounds. The perfect combination of ranch and resort. AMAZING staff and service. And our little bungalow…. I could just move right in. Guys, it was love at first sight.
So the resort is up in the hills but they have a little beach club so we hitched a ride on their resort’s Mercedes Sprinter (naturally) and enjoyed ceviche and Mexican sweet corn on the beach! I surprised Jeff with my mad ping-pong skills and played a little cornhole and we even made some friends at the bar! Seriously we couldn’t get out of there before Jeff kept getting handed another drink. a few drinks and a handful of tastings later… (yeah too bad so sad for the sober pregnant lady over here) we made our way back up for the perfect relaxing afternoon by the pool.
Alright so I made dinner reservations seriously based off of googling this place that looked like it had a decent menu. I had NO IDEA that it was actually on the property and it was just adorable!!! We could have caught a ride with one of the resort Tesla’s but we decide to walk down the little road on the property from our bungalow to the Malibu Café. Ok guy so picture this: cute little shops, markets, BBQ stands and a bar. Turf sprinkled with marque lit signs, picnic tables, giant lawn games, and turf covered couches. Country music playing while people played, sipped, and partied. I was in heaven. Then tucked behind was the Malibu Café where we sat under the stars with candle light and enjoyed drinks (mocktail for mama girl) and a pretty great dinner.
The next day consisted of coffee and breakfast by the pool, a little adventure exploring around the resort, more pool (obviously), a walk back to the Malibu Café for lunch- this time we grabbed a salad from the market stand- and just soaked up as much as we could before we had to head back in PCH & 405 traffic.
It was the absolutely best getaway. I mean Jeff and I always have so much fun traveling and checking out new places together. We loved Calamigos Ranch so much we seriously kept talking about coming back before we even left! But all in all I loved getting away with my huz, with no distractions between work or home things, and just have the best time together ♡